The past is in the present.
You've been having some big reactions out of the blue lately and you can't figure out what is going on.
It’s not something that you seem to have control over. It just…happens.
You're feeling triggered by your children or your partner in ways that it is impacting you personally and your work.
You feel stuck in the same old unproductive patterns no matter how hard you try not to.
​When something happens to you, no matter how big or small, it leaves a lasting impression. You create a narrative out of those experiences and it changes how you see yourself (usually negatively) and your relationships. And from that moment on, the narrative becomes the glasses with a tinted lens of how you navigate the world around you. Now, as an adult, you’re still seeing things through these lens and it’s making less and less sense to you. You feel like something is wrong.
That's where EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing, can help.
EMDR seems to have a direct effect on the way the brain processes information. When overwhelming experiences happen, it can cause a disruption in our information processing system, leaving any associated negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and body sensations unprocessed and dysfunctionally stored in the memory network. When this happens, those experiences, along with the negative associations becomes “stuck” and lives on in the nervous system, getting reactivated, often unexpectedly (and unconsciously), by internal or external triggers.
Think about it this way...
Our brains have a natural healing construct similar to the body’s healing response to physical injury. For example, when you cut your hand, your body knows how to heal the wound. If there is a foreign object stuck in the wound, it will struggle to heal until the foreign object is removed. In a similar way, our brain needs assistance in removing the blocks so that the natural healing process can resume. EMDR prompts your brain's natural healing process and gives you the space to safely experience and release these negative associations so that you can find long-term relief from the distress you've been experiencing.
While EMDR has been known to treat trauma related challenges, it has also shown to be successful in treating a number of other issues, such as anxiety, panic attacks, chronic stress, depression, perfectionism, people pleasing, performance enhancements and so many more.