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EMDR Intensive Therapy

Accelerated approach to healing and growth

Life hurts right now, and you know something needs to change. 

Maybe you’re getting triggered more often and it takes longer to regulate back into your resilient zone.


Maybe you are finding it difficult to balance the responsibilities of work, family and your mental health.


Or, maybe you are struggling to process traumatic memories, and have “hit a wall” with traditional weekly therapy, and don’t want to wait months (or years) to feel better. 


If you’re looking to address your problems in more focused way, then EMDR Intensive Therapy can provide accelerated healing and growth in a short period of time. 



Benefits of EMDR Intensive Therapy â€‹


  • You can experience faster relief in just a few sessions, while achieving your goals quickly and improving your relationships


  • You have convenient scheduling options.  Traditional weekly therapy sessions can be challenging to fit into a busy schedule.  Intensives are designed to support your schedule and timeline. With just a few sessions, you can make significant progress and get back to your daily routine


  • You get cost-effective treatment.  Intensives are more cost effective than traditional therapy because intensives are highly concentrated and highly focused on the specific issue(s); usually requiring less time and overall cost to you​



Intensives are offered online or in person and is scheduled in 2 hour blocks (often done in 3 - 6 sessions) or as a full day Intensive Therapy Retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii.   


Clients participating in EMDR Intensives will receive a Customized Treatment Workbook that can be used to build awareness and to support continued changes during and after sessions.


Research is mounting to support the effectiveness of EMDR Intensives and has shown to be well tolerated, safe, and an effective way to address PTSD and complex trauma histories.  Instead of conducting the standard approach to EMDR (50 - 60 minute sessions once per week or twice per month), the intensive approach compresses 3-5 months of EMDR Intensive Therapy into 3-5 days.


Important Note:


EMDR is Not Just for Trauma.  While EMDR is known for its effectiveness in treating trauma-related disorders, it can also be used to address other issues, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, as well as performance enhancements. If you feel stuck in a pattern that is no longer working for you, EMDR Intensives may be the solution you’ve been looking for.








"This was life changing.  I began to notice shifts in my behaviors and thoughts instantly. Katrina's gentle presence and approach was safe and comforting"
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